
Minister Monique Harris a leader and servant to the people, called and ordained by God. Monique learned of the call on her life in 1996, although Minister Monique knew as a child that she was called to ministry when she desired to be a nun after viewing the television sitcom “Flying Nun” but as she grew older, she never imagine that she would be a minister of the gospel. Monique was shocked that God chose her to carry His word in her belly. For many, many years she ran from the call like Jonah.
Minister Monique has been asked to share her testimony with many of God’s people through the years including the International Church of God women’s organization “Women’s Aglow” ministries. 

To share brief part of her testimony; a runaway from home at the age of sixteen (16), uneducated and abused in every possible way by family members and others, God kept her as she stumbled to find her way. At the age of nine-teen (19) she attempted suicide and "was the on psychiatric floor" of the hospital on Thanksgiving Day in 1983. It was at this moment in her life that she turned back to the God of her youth. God sent a couple to her side who were relatives whom she hadn't seen since a young child, they were like angels to her. The Lord use that season in Monique’s life to show her who He is, He showed her that He was not the God of a religious Sunday at church but He was a living God who answer her when she called.

At age twenty (20) she met her dream spouse and they married one year later, their union produced a daughter and son and one grand daughter. In 2005 Monique was licensed by her Pastor, Donald E. Battle of Divine Faith Ministries International, July 10th. On July 17th Monique’s beloved spouse Tony Harris suddenly died after a medical procedure. 

Today, Minister Monique Harris is walking in the mandate upon her life, completely fulfilled because she understands dying to one’s self in order to live in Christ Jesus.
Minister Monique has her degree in business and working on her degree in religion. More importantly she is studying the gospel of Jesus Christ and teaching other's of God's unmerited favor on mankind.

LOOK FOR MINISTER MONIQUE 'S  AUTOBIOGRAPHY BASED BOOK ONLINE, SOON TO COME.  Minister Monique shares with the public her powerful testimony of the trials of growing up in an abusive home, her triumph in marriage  and  going through the process with nothing but her faith. This is a must read.